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8 Sales Tips To Elevate Your Sales Game

Victoire Leveilley
May 6, 2024
Remote Works

Are you new to the sales world? Or are you a sales expert looking to become even better? You've come to the right place to discover our 8 sales tips to close more deals and faster.

Looking for specific tips for your sales calls and meetings? Check out our article on sales call tips.

1. Leverage the right digital tools

To stand out from competition and stay ahead of the curve, you absolutely need to harness the power of cutting-edge technology. One such tool that's revolutionizing the way sales teams operate is Claap.


Claap is an all-in-one video platform enhancing your sales process, featuring:

Imagine having the ability to record meetings with AI-powered notes, ensuring that every crucial detail is captured and readily accessible whenever you need it. Claap empowers you to do just that, providing a seamless solution for training, or conducting product demos—all within a single platform.

Claap goes beyond just meeting recordings. It enables you to send short follow-up videos to prospects, adding a personal touch that sets you apart from the competition. Additionally, Claap centralizes best practices in a comprehensive video library, ensuring that valuable insights and strategies are shared and retained across your entire team.

Conversation and revenue intelligence tools

Leveraging conversation and revenue intelligence tools offers invaluable insights into customer interactions, enabling you to understand buyer behavior and preferences on a deeper level.

By analyzing data from these tools, your sales teams can identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement, allowing for more targeted and effective sales strategies. Ultimately, integrating these tools into the sales process empowers you to make informed decisions and drive greater revenue growth.


Of course, no sales toolkit would be complete without a robust CRM to keep track of deals and client interactions.

Through CRMs, you can track interactions, manage pipelines, and prioritize tasks, leading to streamlined workflows and improved productivity. Leveraging CRMs empowers you to build stronger relationships with clients and enhance collaboration within your team at the same time.

2. Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up again and again

More often than not, sending a single message to make initial contact is never enough. Instead, to be successful, you should understand the importance of consistent and persistent follow-up to keep their brand and offerings top-of-mind. That's why I recommend that you follow up very closely with your prospects.

Here are some follow-up techniques that will help you stay top of mind of your prospects:

  • Make sure you reply to all your prospects promptly and thoroughly, without leaving emails unanswered for weeks. Prompt responses demonstrate genuine interest and commitment, so prioritize timely engagement to nurture meaningful relationships.
  • Utilize platforms like LinkedIn to extend your social media connections and reinforce your professional presence.
  • Consider incorporating innovative content formats like personalized sales videos, easily created with tools like Claap, to add a unique touch to your follow-up efforts.
  • Keep a close eye on industry events or triggers that may signal new opportunities for engagement, such as leadership changes or legislative shifts.
  • Use AI to help you write your follow-ups

Successful follow-up is about more than just persistence—it's about adding value, building trust, and nurturing relationships over time. By focusing on the quality rather than the quantity of your interactions, you can cultivate meaningful connections that drive long-term success in your sales efforts.

3. Don't give up at the first objection - bounce back!

You're aware of this, since you may be dealing with it on a daily basis: objections are commonplace during the sales process. However, it's not the objection itself that matters—it's how you handle it that makes all the difference. Rather than viewing objections as roadblocks, you should see them as opportunities for constructive dialogue.

The key is to be proactive and prepared, anticipating common objections and demonstrating your confidence that they won't pose insurmountable challenges. One effective strategy is to clarify objections with thoughtful questions, delving deeper to understand the underlying concerns and motivations driving your prospect's hesitations.

Leverage silences

Silence can be a powerful tool in overcoming objections. Instead of rushing to fill the void with rebuttals or explanations, embrace the silence and give your prospect space to reconsider their stance.

Sometimes, a well-timed pause can prompt your prospect to elaborate on their objections or even reconsider their position altogether.

Do your homework, but don't badmouth the competition

Conducting thorough research to identify the weak points of competitors can be invaluable in addressing objections effectively. By understanding where competitors fall short and positioning your offering as the superior solution, you can instill confidence in your prospect.

When talking about your competitors, tread carefully. While it's important to understand and differentiate yourself from competitors, avoid disparaging them directly. Instead, focus on highlighting the unique strengths and advantages of your offering.

Just don't be discouraged by the first objection—embrace it as a chance to showcase your expertise and resilience.

4. Make the most of your social proof

Social proof refers to the influence that the actions and opinions of others have on our own behavior. Leveraging social proof effectively in sales can significantly enhance your credibility with new customers.

To wield it effectively, consider the multifaceted avenues through which you can showcase validation of your offerings.

Customer testimonials and reviews

Customer testimonials and reviews serve as potent endorsements, offering tangible evidence of your product or service's efficacy. You absolutely need to create convincing case studies where you provide prospects with real-world examples of how your solution delivers tangible ROI, fostering trust and confidence in your brand.

Utilizing tools like Claap, you can effortlessly record meetings and screen interactions, then seamlessly edit them into engaging case study videos that resonate with your audience.

A tailored approach to social proof is essential so it really resonates with your target audience. Instead of relying solely on generic endorsements from large corporations, consider crafting case studies and testimonials that speak directly to the needs and aspirations of your prospect's industry or niche.

Your past customers' results are your best proof

Demonstrating that your solution has been rigorously tested and approved adds another layer of credibility. Backing up your claims with data strengthens your position, providing empirical evidence of your product's success.

Don't hesitate to communicate (without revealing confidential figures) about the gains your customers have made with your solution: "sales process reduced by 25%"; "sales increased by 60% in three years"; "maintenance budget halved".

5. Get straight to the point with your emails

With inboxes inundated with messages vying for attention, it's imperative to get straight to the point and deliver value from the outset.

The first step in crafting effective sales emails is to grab the recipient's attention with a compelling subject line. Keep it concise, relevant, and personalized whenever possible to entice the recipient to open the email. Avoid generic or spammy subject lines that are likely to get lost in the shuffle. Here are some basic recommendations:

  • Craft attention-grabbing and short subject lines: Ensure your subject lines are concise, relevant, and personalized to entice recipients to open your emails.
  • Don't be too long!
  • Your email should look as much like an internal email as possible, not a commercial one.
  • Use concise and compelling language: Keep your message clear and to the point, avoiding lengthy paragraphs or unnecessary jargon.

Once you've captured their attention, it's time to dive straight into the meat of your message. Start by clearly stating the purpose of your email and the value proposition you're offering. Here are a few points to keep in mind:

  • Direct and specific calls to action (CTAs): Clearly outline the next steps you want the recipient to take, making it easy for them to follow through on your desired action.
  • Personalize whenever possible: Tailor your message to the recipient's interests, preferences, and pain points. What about including a customized video into your email?

The next time you hit send, remember to keep it brief, relevant, and engaging—your prospects will thank you for it.

6. Don't talk about yourself, talk about your prospect

When you're on the phone with a prospect, it's easy to fall into the trap of focusing on your own achievements, products, or company accolades. However, the most successful sales rep understands that the key to building meaningful relationships lies in putting the spotlight squarely on the prospect.

To achieve this, it's essential to strike a healthy talk-to-listen ratio, ensuring that the majority of the sales conversation is spent actively listening to the prospect's needs, concerns, and aspirations.

Here are some key strategies to keep the focus where it belongs:

  • Understand their needs and pain points: Take the time to truly understand your prospect's challenges, goals, and aspirations. 
  • Ask open-ended questions: Encourage your prospect to share their thoughts, concerns, and priorities by asking open-ended questions that invite dialogue. Listen actively to their responses and use this information to guide the conversation.
  • Highlight benefits, not features: Instead of bombarding your prospect with a laundry list of product features, focus on articulating the benefits and outcomes they can expect from using your solution.

You should aim to cultivate an atmosphere where the interaction feels more like a collaborative discussion than a traditional sales pitch.

The same principles apply for your sales email. Instead of bombarding prospects with information about your company, focus on addressing their pain points directly.

7. Be sure to always include next steps

Clearly formulating a customer's next steps is crucial at every stage of the sales process. Whether you're engaged in a phone call, email exchange, or face-to-face meeting, ensuring that next steps are clearly communicated is non-negotiable. They are the roadmap for moving the sales process forward and keeping momentum alive.

From the very first interaction with a prospect, it's crucial to lay out a clear path forward. Don't let a discovery call conclude without proposing specific next steps.

I highly encourage you to send a written record of the next steps to your prospect. Words can quickly be forgotten! The next step email/message you’ll send at the end of an interaction will serve as a written record of the agreed-upon action items and ensures that everyone is on the same page moving forward.

Next steps should be crystal clear for your prospect, leaving no room for ambiguity or confusion. Next steps include scheduling a follow-up call, arranging a product demo, or sharing additional resources. In any case, make sure the action items are clearly outlined and agreed upon by both parties.

8. Never stop learning

The best sales reps never stop training and learning. So don't forget to learn to keep up to date and boost your sales skills. Fortunately, there's no shortage of resources and avenues for expanding your knowledge and honing your skills. Here are some key strategies to ensure you never stop learning:

  • Embrace podcasts and books: Dive into the wealth of knowledge available through podcasts and books on sales techniques, strategies, and industry trends. 
  • Learn from mentors: Seek out experienced mentors who can provide guidance, advice, and perspective based on their own experiences in the sales field.
  • Ask for coaching: Don't be afraid to seek out coaching and feedback from managers, colleagues, or external experts. Coaching will help you to refine your sales pitch, fine-tune your sales call script, improve your negotiation tactics, or enhance your communication abilities.
  • Ask for further material or resources to deepen your understanding. Platforms like Claap offer a convenient repository for sales training material, allowing you to access valuable insights and best practices whenever you need them.
  • Utilize sales training platforms: Explore specialized sales training platforms that offer courses, modules, and resources designed to enhance your skills and knowledge.

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