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Using Video for Sales: Proven Strategies for Modern Selling

Angela Guedes
January 15, 2024
Remote Works

Key Takeaways:

  • Master the art of personalized video prospecting for direct impact.
  • Learn to integrate video effectively into different stages of the sales cycle.
  • Discover key strategies for creating engaging, impactful sales videos.
  • Understand how to measure and maximize the ROI of your video sales efforts.
  • Overcome common challenges in video sales with practical, proven solutions.

How can you effectively use video for sales?

Effective ways to use video for sales include developing custom content for different funnel stages, embedding videos in email outreach for higher click-through rates, showcasing products or services through demos, analyzing viewer behavior to refine strategies, and leveraging video analytics for targeted follow-up actions.

But let's take a step back: why are sales teams putting more focus on using videos in their sales strategy? 

First up, videos give us a way to show our human side to clients. People buy from people, right? With a video, we're not just words in an email or voices on a phone call. We're real people they can connect with. This is super important for building trust and relationships.

Then there's the whole efficiency thing. Videos let us get our message out there clearly and consistently, any time, anywhere. Imagine having a sales pitch that's always on-point, available 24/7, and doesn't get tired or need coffee breaks. That's what a good sales video is like.

Also, videos are versatile. We can tailor them for different parts of the sales process. Need to explain our product in a simple way? Explainer video. Want to show how awesome our product is? Demo video. Got a happy customer? Testimonial video. Each type fits different needs and keeps things fresh.

And here's the kicker – videos make a real difference in sales. Stats show that having a video on a landing page can seriously boost conversions. And when we include videos in our emails? Click-through rates go up. This isn't just cool data; it's more sales and more revenue for us.

So, in a nutshell, sales teams are leaning into videos because they help us connect better, work smarter, and sell more. 

Types of Videos to Improve Your Sales Process

Alright team, let's talk about the different types of videos we can use to shake up our sales process. Each type has its own magic, and when we use them right, they can really amp up our game.

Explainer Videos: These are the bread and butter of using video for sales. They're short, sweet, and to the point, explaining what we do and why it's awesome. Think of them as your elevator pitch, but way cooler. They're perfect for grabbing attention and making complex stuff easy to understand.

Demo Videos: Here’s where we show off our product in action. It’s like saying, “Don't just take our word for it, see for yourself.” These videos can be a bit longer and are great for prospects who are interested but need that extra push to see how things work.

Personalized Sales Videos: These are a game-changer. Imagine sending a video where you directly address a potential client by name and speak to their specific needs. It's personal, engaging, and shows we're not just sending out cookie-cutter messages.

Testimonial Videos: Nothing beats hearing from a happy customer. These videos are gold for building trust. It’s real people talking about their real experiences with our product. It’s like word-of-mouth, but on steroids.

Educational Videos: These are for when we want to give our prospects a bit more. Maybe it’s tips related to our industry or how-to guides that use our product. It positions us as experts and helps our clients get more value, which is always a win.

Each of these types has its place in our sales toolkit. By mixing and matching them, we can keep things fresh, interesting, and most importantly, effective. 

Setting Up Your Video Sales Game Plan

Time to talk strategy – specifically, how we’re setting up our video sales game plan. Here's the playbook:

  1. Know Your Audience: This is step one. We've got to understand who we're talking to. What do they care about? What problems are they facing? This helps us create videos that speak directly to them, hitting the right notes every time.
  2. Map Videos to the Sales Funnel: Not every video fits every stage of the sales funnel. Explainer videos? Great for the top of the funnel when people are just getting to know us. Demo videos? Perfect for the middle, when they're considering their options. Tailoring our content to where our audience is at in their journey is key.
  3. Keep Your Message Clear and Concise: We're not making feature films here. The goal is to get our message across quickly and effectively. So, let's keep our videos short, engaging, and to the point. No fluff, just the good stuff.
  4. Consistency is King: From the tone of voice to the visual style, keeping things consistent is what builds our brand. It’s like creating a signature style that our audience will start to recognize and trust.
  5. Call to Action: Every video needs a purpose. What do we want our audience to do after watching? Whether it’s signing up, getting in touch, or just learning more, we need to make it clear and easy for them to take the next step.
  6. Measure and Tweak: Lastly, we can’t just set and forget. We need to keep an eye on how our videos are performing. Are they hitting the mark? Are we seeing more engagement? Use that data to tweak and improve.

Using video in your sales funnel

Now let's take a closer look at how video can be employed strategically within your sales funnel. It essentially boils down to three primary areas:

  • The Outreach Stage: You know how we all get swamped with emails? Well, we're gonna stand out. Using video in our initial outreach means we're doing something different, something more personal. This isn’t just about being different, though. It’s about getting more replies and booking more discovery calls. Imagine sending a video where you mention the prospect by name – it shows we’re not just another email in their inbox.
  • Follow-Up and Nurturing: Video isn’t a one-trick pony; it’s great for follow-ups too. By adding videos to our follow-up emails, we create more opportunities to connect with our prospects. It’s about keeping them engaged and moving them along the funnel. Videos make follow-ups less of a “just checking in” and more of a “hey, here’s something cool and useful.”
  • Revenue Intelligence: This one’s a bit different. It’s about using video to boost our own skills and knowledge. Sharing video tutorials and best practices within our team means we all get smarter and better at closing deals. It’s not just about reaching out to prospects; it’s also about leveling up internally.

So, let's dive into each of these areas with some hands-on examples and tips on how to make the most of video in our sales process. 

Scaling Outreach with Personalized Video

In the outreach phase of the sales process, the aim is to make an impression, to stand out amid the barrage of prospecting emails that flood your prospects' inboxes daily. This is where video can help you break through the noise. 360Learning, for example, saw reply rates skyrocket from 6% to 15%, just by introducing a brief, personalized video as the first step of their outreach sequence.

So, what's the secret sauce?

  1. Keep It Short and Sweet: We’re aiming for 45 seconds max. Start with something that hits home – a challenge they're facing, something that shows we've done our homework. Then, bam! Hit them with a single, powerful sentence about what we offer, followed by a clear call to action. “Want to see how we can help? Here's my calendar link.”
  2. Getting That First Click: How do we make them click on our video? Make it obvious it’s made just for them. Write their name on a board, show their LinkedIn profile, or their company’s homepage at the start of the video. Visual cues like these can really boost our click-through rates.
  3. Boost Engagement Right from the Title: Personalize even the video title. “Hey [Prospect's Name], let’s chat?” This small touch grabs attention from the get-go. Plus, using a tool like Claap, we can add an animated GIF of our face or the screen share in our email or LinkedIn message. Personal touches like these make prospects more likely to engage with the video.

Now, for the strategy part. We've got three levels of personalization to think about:

  1. Industry or Use Case Specific: Here we target a broader audience, like everyone in FinTech. We make one video addressing their common challenges and use it for multiple prospects in that sector.
  2. Account-Based Personalization: This is more tailored. We might reference their company website or LinkedIn page, making the video specific to their organization. This is great for sending to different contacts within the same company.
  3. Prospect-Specific Personalization: The top-tier strategy. These videos are made for one person only. They take more effort, but they're gold for reaching high-level contacts, especially when we’ve got loads of info on them.

Using video for follow-up and nurture

Time to talk about giving our follow-up and nurturing stages a major boost. We're going to leverage video to not just keep the conversation going but to make every interaction more impactful. Here's our game plan:

  • Create an Intermediate Step: Think of video as our way to bridge the gap between meetings. Did we just have a great discussion with a prospect? Let’s follow up with a video recapping the main points or showing off a feature we talked about. Even a quick run-through of our roadmap can keep the momentum going and make our interactions more memorable.
  • Build a Personalized Content Library: For our key accounts, let's go the extra mile. We can create a personalized video library just for them. This could have recordings of our meetings, tailored demos, or even a walk-through of the proposal we’re pitching. This isn’t just helpful for them; it speeds up their decision-making process because they have everything they need right at their fingertips.
  • Tease Upcoming Features: Everyone loves a sneak peek. Use video to get our prospects excited about what’s coming up, especially if it’s something that ties in with tools they already use. Dropping hints about upcoming features or giving them early access can really spark their interest and keep the conversation going.
  • Regain Control in Buyer-Seller Dynamic: Sometimes prospects go quiet. If we’re getting the cold shoulder, a final, personalized video can be just the thing to get a response. It shows we’re still here, still thinking about them, and it can turn the tables, prompting them to get back in touch.

Level up your team with revenue intelligence

Here’s how we’re leveraging video to take our sales enablement and coaching to the next level:

  • Scaling Best Practices: Ever wonder how our top performers do it? With video, we can actually see it. We’re talking about recording their calls and meetings to share with everyone. This is real, hands-on stuff showing what works and what doesn’t, straight from our best.
  • Personalized Feedback: Imagine being able to see exactly where you nailed it in a sales call or maybe where things went a bit off-track. That's what we get with video recordings of our sales interactions. Managers can give feedback that’s super specific and context-driven. It’s about showing, not just telling, how to get better.
  • Asynchronous Learning: This one’s a game-changer, especially with how we work these days. With video, our team can tap into training materials, best practice guides, or feedback sessions whenever and wherever they want. It’s learning at your own pace, but with all the tools you need just a click away.

How to use Claap for your video strategy

First things first, what is Claap? Claap is an intelligent video wiki that can automatically record, transcribe, and summarize your meetings in seconds. 

This allows us to focus on the conversation and not worry about taking notes. Once the meeting is over, Claap automates tasks like updating CRM notes, drafting follow-up emails, and automating coaching based on your playbook.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Record Your Meetings: Say goodbye to scribbled notes and hello to automated recording. Whether it's Google Meet or Zoom, we're recording everything. You can pin key moments live, and the best part? The recording is ready as soon as the meeting wraps up. Plus, with Claap, we get call transcripts in 100 languages, subtitles, translations, and even AI-powered summaries. It’s like having a personal assistant for every meeting.
  2. Listen to Calls for Feedback: This is about upping our coaching game. We can quickly assess meetings, see who’s talking too much (or not enough), and keep tabs on the team’s progress each week. And when it's time to give feedback? We’re doing it with style – text, video, and yes, even emojis. It’s personalized, consistent, and way more engaging.
  3. Foster a Training Culture: Every one of us has something special to offer. Got skills in giving killer demos or handling tough objections? Record short training sessions and let’s build a library of our best moves. We’re centralizing all our recordings and hooking them up with our internal tools like Slack and Notion. This is about learning from each other and growing together.

Behind the Scenes: How Surfe &Scoreplay Win with Video in Sales

Surfe, a CRM and LinkedIn integration platform, revolutionized their sales process using Claap. They overcame challenges of impersonal lead generation and internal team communication by adopting Claap's asynchronous video features. This shift led to significantly shortened sales cycles, with a notable reduction of 10 days, increased customer engagement, and higher conversion rates. The use of Claap for demos, pitch decks, and feature requests resulted in more effective and personalized communication, fostering stronger relationships with clients and improving internal team dynamics.

For more details on Surfe's experience, visit their story here: Surfe ❤️ Claap.

Now, let's check out how Scoreplay leverages Claap.

Scoreplay, a sports-focused media hub, significantly improved their sales-product alignment and cut their sales team's admin work in half by integrating Claap into their operations. Claap's features, such as screen recording, call recording, AI summaries, and integration with Notion, streamlined their remote workflow. This led to a more efficient process, with a 50% reduction in post-meeting admin, better collaboration between sales and product teams, and a more effective handling of customer interactions and internal discussions.

For a detailed insight, you can read the full story here: Scoreplay ❤️ Claap.

Measuring the Success of Your Video Sales Efforts

So, we've been using video for sales, and it's looking good. But how do we actually measure if it's working? It's not just about feeling; it's about seeing real results. Here’s how we can track our success:

  • View Count: Let's start with the basics. How many people are actually watching our videos? More views generally mean more interest, but let's not stop there.
  • Engagement Rates: This is about how much of the video people are watching. Are they sticking around till the end or dropping off after the first few seconds? High engagement rates mean our content is hitting the mark.
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): If we’ve got calls to action in our videos (which we should), how many viewers are actually clicking through? This is a direct indicator of how compelling our message is.
  • Conversion Rates: The big one. Are our videos leading to actual sales or desired actions? This is where we see the real impact of our video sales strategy.
  • Feedback and Comments: Don’t ignore this. What are people saying about our videos? Feedback, whether positive or negative, is a goldmine for improvement.
  • Shares: If prospects are sharing our videos with their team, that’s a good sign. It means not only are they engaging with our content, but they also think it’s worth spreading around.

Remember, measuring success isn’t just a one-time thing. It’s an ongoing process. We need to keep an eye on these metrics, understand what they’re telling us, and use that info to refine our strategy.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Video Sales

Using video for sales is great, but it's not without its challenges. Let's hit these head-on and figure out how to tackle them effectively.

Creating Personalized Content Efficiently

Personalization is key in sales videos, but it can be time-consuming. To address this:

  1. Use video creation tools that allow for easy personalization, such as inserting the prospect's name or company logo.
  2. Develop a template or script format that can be quickly customized for each prospect.
  3. Train sales team members in quick video editing and personalization techniques to streamline the process.

Integrating Video into Sales Emails Effectively

Embedding or linking videos in sales emails can be tricky. To overcome this:

  1. Add a compelling thumbnail with a play button to increase click-through rates.
  2. Ensure the video content directly addresses the email's purpose and adds value to the message.

Balancing Scale and Personalization

Scaling personalized video efforts while maintaining a high level of customization is challenging. To manage this:

  1. Segment your audience and create slightly different video versions for each segment.
  2. Identify the parts of the sales cycle where personalization has the most impact and focus your efforts there.
  3. Use customer relationship management (CRM) tools to track and analyze customer interactions and tailor videos accordingly.

Demonstrating Product or Service Value through Video

Conveying the value proposition clearly in a short video can be difficult. To tackle this:

  1. Focus on the unique benefits of your product or service and how they solve specific problems for the prospect.
  2. Use real-life scenarios or case studies in your videos to demonstrate the practical application and benefits.
  3. Keep videos concise and to the point, emphasizing key value propositions early in the content.

Measuring Video Impact in the Sales Process

Tracking the effectiveness of videos in moving prospects through the sales cycle is essential. For effective measurement:

  1. Define clear metrics for success, such as response rates, meeting bookings, or movement to the next sales stage.
  2. Use tracking tools to monitor engagement metrics like view duration and re-watches, which indicate interest level.
  3. Regularly review and adjust your video strategy based on these metrics to refine your approach.

By focusing on these specific challenges and implementing these strategies, we can ensure our approach for using video in sales is engaging, relevant, and integrated into our sales process for better results.

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