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11 Sales Email Examples With Proven 50%+ Open Rates

Max Gayler
March 4, 2024
Remote Works

Sending sales emails feels like shouting into a void, especially when you're met with silence or, even worse, the dreaded 'unsubscribe'. It's a universal headache. We're all striving for those elusive open rates that signify we've cracked the code, but let's be real: most advice out there is regurgitated fluff that doesn't cut it in the actual inbox battleground.

The truth? It’s about nailing the basics and making every word count. Forget the overused jargon and empty promises. We need sales email examples that actually deliver, focusing on real strategies that build better relationships from the first click. Let's dive into what works, stripped of all the noise.

What Makes a Good Sales Email?

We've all received our fair share of sales emails. Most hit the trash faster than you can say "delete." Why? Because they miss the mark on what actually makes them worth opening. Here’s the breakdown:

Attention-grabbing subject lines

Your first hurdle. If your subject line doesn't spark curiosity or promise value, forget about it. It’s not about using caps lock or a dozen exclamation marks. It's about making them think, "This might actually be worth my time."

Personalized touches

"Dear valued customer" just doesn't cut it anymore. We're talking about using their name, but let's go deeper. Mention a recent achievement of theirs or reference a previous interaction. Make it clear this isn't a copy-paste job.

Getting to the point

Time is money. Your recipient's time is valuable. So, make your point quickly. If they need to scroll to see why you're emailing, you've already lost them.

Talk about them, not you

This isn’t the time for your life story. Focus on their needs, their pain points, and how you can solve them. Make the email about what you can do for them, not how great you are.

Make your call-to-action clear

What do you want them to do? Make it clear and simple. One call-to-action, prominently placed, so they don't have to search for it.

Give something away to get something back

Offering a bit of value upfront can work wonders. A helpful tip, a free guide, or an exclusive discount can make your email a welcome sight in their inbox.

Be brief

If they wanted a novel, they'd buy one. Keep your email concise and to the point. If they're interested, they'll follow up for more information.

Try a follow-up email

Didn't get a response the first time? It's okay to send a follow-up. Just don’t be pushy. A simple "Did you get a chance to read my last email?" can sometimes do the trick.

An even better way to save people’s time and get some virtual face-time is by sending async videos with Claap. Give them a taste of your product and the main benefits it provides. Showing is always better than telling.

Remember, the goal is to make your sales emails feel less like a sales pitch and more like the beginning of a valuable relationship. By focusing on these key elements, you'll not only improve your open rates but also start building better connections from the get-go.

11 Sales Email Examples

1. Value first offer

The "Value First Offer" template is designed around the principle of giving before asking. By providing immediate value to the recipient, this approach fosters goodwill and establishes a positive foundation for future interactions. 

Studies have shown that such value-first strategies can significantly increase open rates, engagement, and conversion rates. This method taps into the psychological principle of reciprocity; when people receive something of value, they are more inclined to respond positively to subsequent requests or offers.

Subject Line: Exclusive for You: Quick Insight to Boost [Benefit]!

Email Body:

Hey {{Name}},

We appreciate you at [Your Company]! Here’s a quick tip on [topic] to thank you for your support: [Brief tip or insight].

For more like this, check here: [Link to resource]. No catch, just value

Thoughts? Let us know



2. Intrigue and Reveal Example

The "Intrigue and Reveal" approach sparks curiosity by hinting at something intriguing, then revealing enough to make the reader want to learn more. It leverages the Zeigarnik effect, where people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks, driving them to complete the "task" of uncovering the full story.

Subject Line: You Won’t Believe What We Discovered…

Email Body:

Hey {{Name}},

Ever wondered why [common problem]? We've found a breakthrough that might just be the game-changer you're looking for.

Curious? See it in action here: [Link to reveal].

Can't wait to hear your thoughts!



3. Pinpoint and Solve Example

Focusing directly on a common issue that your recipient faces and offering a solution positions your email as not just another message, but a valuable, must-read resource. This approach is grounded in the problem-solution framework that's widely recognized in marketing for its effectiveness.

Subject Line: Finally, a Solution to [Problem]!

Email Body:

Hi {{Name}},

Tired of dealing with [problem]? You're not alone. We’ve crafted something that tackles this head-on.

Find your solution here: [Link to solution].

Cheers to simpler times,


4. Engage with Narrative Example

Stories connect on a human level, making complex information relatable and memorable. The narrative approach in emails can significantly increase engagement by drawing readers into a story that subtly promotes your product or service.

Subject Line: Our Journey to [Solution/Discovery]

Email Body:

Hello {{Name}},

Every great solution has its story. Ours began with [short intro to the story].

Dive into the journey: [Link to full story].

Here’s to creating our own success stories,


5. Act Now Urgency Example

Creating a sense of urgency encourages immediate action. This template leverages limited-time offers or exclusive deals to prompt quick decisions, effectively using the psychological principle of scarcity.

Subject Line: Hurry, [Offer] Ends Soon!

Email Body:

Hey {{Name}},

Don’t miss out! Our [offer] is available for a limited time only.

Grab it before it’s gone: [Link to offer].



6. Earned Trust Showcase Example

Using testimonials or endorsements effectively builds trust and credibility. This template showcases social proof to reassure readers about the value and reliability of your offering.

Subject Line: Why [Customers] Love Us

Email Body:

Hi {{Name}},

Wondering what makes [Product/Service] different? Here’s what people are saying: [Brief testimonial].

See what all the fuss is about: [Link to more testimonials].

Trusted by many,


7. Insightful Educator Example

Providing valuable information or insights establishes you as an authority in your field, increasing the recipient's trust in your recommendations. This educational approach is particularly effective in nurturing leads.

Subject Line: Master [Skill/Topic] Today

Email Body:

Hello {{Name}},

Boost your [skill/topic] with our expert tips. No fluff, just actionable insights.

Start learning: [Link to guide].

To your success,


8. Direct Comparison Edge Example

Comparing your product directly against competitors can clarify your unique selling propositions, helping recipients understand why your offering is the superior choice. This approach leverages clear, comparative data to inform purchasing decisions.

Subject Line: [Your Product] vs. [Competitor]: The Clear Winner

Email Body:

Hey {{Name}},

Choosing between [Your Product] and [Competitor]? Here’s why we come out on top: [Brief comparison point].

Make the smart choice: [Link to detailed comparison].



9. Deeply Personalized Connect Example

Going beyond using the recipient's name, this template includes personalized content based on their interests, past purchases, or behaviors. This level of personalization makes the email feel like a one-on-one conversation, significantly enhancing engagement.

Subject Line: Just For You, {{Name}}: Tailored [Tips/Deals]

Email Body:

Hi {{Name}},

Based on your interest in [Topic/Product], we thought you’d appreciate [personalized content].

Enjoy: [Link to content].

All the best,


10. Innovation Spotlight Example

Highlighting innovation attracts attention and positions your brand as a leader in your field. Focusing on the latest advancements or features in your offerings sparks interest and demonstrates your commitment to progress and quality.

Subject Line: Discover the Future: [Your Product/Service] Innovation

Email Body:

Hello {{Name}},

We're excited to unveil our latest innovation: [Brief description of innovation].

Experience what's next: [Link to product/service].

Leading the way,


11. VIP Access Invite Example

Offering exclusive access or early bird opportunities makes recipients feel special and valued. This approach leverages exclusivity to drive engagement and loyalty, encouraging immediate action due to the privileged offer.

Subject Line: Exclusive Invite: Be the First to Experience [Offer/Product]

Email Body:

Hey {{Name}},

As a valued member of our community, we're offering you exclusive early access to [offer/product].

Claim your spot: [Link to access].

Welcome to the inner circle,


H2 - Get Better Open Rates with Video Emails

Video emails cut through the noise of a cluttered inbox, promising higher engagement. With features like AI summaries and viewer analytics, Claap is a tried-and-tested way to double your email CTR

Send personalized video messages that easily embed in your emails. 79% of people would rather watch a video than read text so engage your prospects and customers more easily with Claap. 

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