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13 Game-Changing Sales Call Tips & Techniques To Close More Deals

Victoire Leveilley
March 18, 2024
Remote Works

What is a sales call?

A sales call is a direct interaction between a salesperson and a potential customer, usually over the phone or by video meeting. The objective of a sales call is to :

  • Engage the prospect;
  • Understand their needs
  • Persuade them to take action, like making a purchase.

In the world of sales, every interaction counts.

And when it comes to making that crucial connection over the phone, knowing how to master all the tips and techniques of the sales pitch can be the difference between a missed opportunity and a closed deal.

Sales call tips are strategies and techniques that help salespeople make these interactions more effective and successful.

What does a sales call consist of?

Here are the steps you will find in a typical sales call:

  • Introduction: Your opening sets the tone for the entire call, so it needs to be engaging and to the point.
  • Probing Questions: These are necessary for uncovering the prospect's needs and pain points, steering the conversation in the right direction.
  • Key Benefits of Your Solution: Highlighting the unique value proposition of your product or service is essential for capturing the prospect's interest and demonstrating relevance.
  • Objection Handling: Anticipating and addressing common objections head-on shows your preparedness and builds credibility.
  • Strong and Clear Call to Action: Don't leave the prospect hanging—wrap up the call with a clear next step to keep the momentum going.

Ready to elevate your sales call game and start closing deals like a seasoned pro? Let's dive in our 13 killer sales call tips:

Tip #1: Do Your Homework

Before picking up the phone, make sure you've done your research on the prospect. Know their industry, pain points, and any recent news about their company.

This preparation shows you're serious and helps tailor your pitch. Don't hesitate to use a sales call script to make sure your speech is well polished and you won't stutter.

Tip #2: Make a Grand Entrance

Almost everything is decided in the first 45 seconds. The last thing you want is for your prospect to hang up! You need to grab their attention right away.

Your first impression sets the tone for the entire call.

Skip the generic intros and instead, kick things off with a personalized statement or a thought-provoking question related to their business challenges.

Tip #3: Listen More, Talk Less

It's tempting to launch into your pitch right away, but resist the urge. Instead, focus on active listening.

Let the prospect talk about their needs and objectives. The more you listen, the better you can tailor your solution to fit their requirements.

Tip #4: Ask Powerful Questions

Asking the right questions can uncover valuable insights and pain points.

Avoid yes/no questions and instead, ask open-ended ones that encourage discussion and reveal the prospect's motivations and goals.

Tip #5: Highlight Benefits, Not Features

Don't just reel off a list of product features. Instead, you should focus on how those features directly benefit the prospect.

This way, you’ll paint a vivid picture of how your solution can solve their specific problems and make their life easier.

Tip #6: Handle Objections with Confidence

Objections are a natural part of the sales process. Instead of shying away from them, embrace them as opportunities to address concerns and build trust.

To do so, you should be prepared with persuasive responses that alleviate their doubts. Write a list of common objections in advance and prepare effective sample responses. 

This will show you're professional and well-prepared. It will help you win your prospect's trust.

Tip #7: Build Trust

People buy from people they like and trust. Take the time to build rapport with the prospect. Here are some ways to build trust with your prospect:

  • Find common ground with your prospect. You know they love golf? Try a teaser about the latest golf news;
  • Show genuine interest in their business: find out about your customer's latest developments to show your interest in their work;
  • Try assigning positive labels or traits to them. Research shows that people tend to live up to the labels they're given, especially when they're genuine. For example, you could say something like, "You're one of our best customers" or "You're such a pleasure to do business with";
  • Be funny: don't be afraid to sprinkle in some light humor to lighten the mood.

Tip #8: Use Social Proof

Share success stories, case studies, and testimonials from satisfied customers to demonstrate the effectiveness of your solution.

Social proof adds credibility and reassures the prospect that they're making the right choice.

Your prospects will be all the more confident if their competitors have opted for your solution and achieved positive results.

Tip #9: Create a Sense of Urgency

Encourage action by creating a sense of urgency. You need to create urgency in your prospects so that they feel compelled to partner with you now (whether by buying your product or using your service).

Here are some ideas for creating that sense of urgency to motivate your prospect to make a decision sooner rather than later:

  • Highlight limited-time offers;
  • Offer special promotions;
  • Highlight specific upcoming deadlines.

Tip #10: Follow Up Promptly

The fortune is in the follow-up. Otherwise, your call will be just another video conference/phone call, and you'll be forgotten.

After the call, send a personalized follow-up email summarizing the key points discussed and outlining the next steps. Prompt follow-up shows professionalism and keeps the momentum going.

For a fun, personalized and interactive follow-up, why not include a short video recorded with Claap in your follow-up email?

Tip #11: Keep Your Call to Action Crystal Clear

When wrapping up your sales call, it's crucial to provide a clear and concise call to action (CTA) to guide the next steps.

Too many CTAs can overwhelm the prospect and muddy the waters, so stick to one clear action you want them to take.

Whether it's: 

  • Scheduling a follow-up meeting;
  • Requesting a product demo;
  • Making a purchase;

make sure your CTA is specific, actionable, and easy to understand.

By keeping it simple and focused, you'll increase the likelihood of the prospect taking the desired action and moving closer to sealing the deal.

Tip #12: Seek Feedback and Iterate

Every sales call is a learning opportunity. After each call, take a moment to reflect on what went well and what could be improved.

Solicit feedback from colleagues or mentors, and use that insight to refine your approach for future calls.

Tip #13: Stay Positive and Persistent

Rejection is part and parcel of sales, but it's important not to let it get you down. Stay positive, maintain a can-do attitude, and remember that every "no" brings you one step closer to a "yes."

An Invesp study even showed that 60% of prospects say no 4 times before saying yes: persistence pays off in the long run.

5 reasons to use Claap to boost your sales process

What is Claap?

Claap is an all-in-one video platform supercharging your sales meetings, featuring:

  1. Meeting recordings with audio and video transcriptions;
  2. AI-generated notes and summaries according to a desired template;
  3. All-in-one video platform to store your sales videos;
  4. Turn customer calls into insights;
  5. Screen and webcam recording.

Claap will help you at every stage of your sales process, from prospecting to closing deals. Here's how:

Reason 1: Elevate Prospect Outreach with Personalized Video Messages

With Claap, revolutionize your prospecting efforts by crafting personalized video messages for cold outreach. Say goodbye to impersonal emails and welcome engaging sales videos.

The video sales strategy may help you at every stage of your sales funnel.

Reason 2: Empower Sales Teams with On-Demand Training

Salespeople thrive on performance, but mastering the art of sales takes time.

Claap acts as a comprehensive video library, offering on-demand training materials for your sales teams. From polished product demos to entertaining objection-handling skits, Claap ensures consistent learning and skill enhancement. 

Leverage its annotation tool and collaborative features to provide precise feedback and elevate your team's sales game.

Reason 3: Streamline Prospect Engagement with Dynamic Screen Recording

Qualifying leads becomes effortless with Claap's screen recording feature. Walk prospects through product demos in real-time, showcasing key features and benefits. 

Share screen or webcam recordings seamlessly, adding a personal touch to your interactions.

Reason 4: Centralize Client Meeting Materials for Enhanced Organization

Claap serves as your centralized hub for client meeting materials, storing transcripts, summaries, and feedback in one accessible location. Streamline client interactions and ensure consistent evaluation of client needs.

Reason 5: Maximize Productivity with AI-Powered Meeting Summaries

Experience Claap's AI-powered meeting summaries, providing quick, concise snapshots of client interactions.

Effortlessly share these summaries with your team for efficient feedback sessions. Claap's streamlined approach maximizes productivity during client interactions, allowing you to focus on what matters most—closing deals.

Ready to unlock the full potential of Claap? Start your 14-day free trial today (no credit card required), and explore all premium features hassle-free.

There you have it, 13 actionable tips and the ultimate tool to boost your sales calls and drive more conversions. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up that phone and start closing those deals.

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