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Exploring Top Modjo Alternatives: Enhance Your Meeting Intelligence

Ulysse Wolff
March 18, 2024
Remote Works

What is Modjo?

Modjo is a conversation intelligence tool. But do you even  know what is a conversation intelligence tool? Maybe you do, but if not, here is a quick reminder!

What is a conversation intelligence software?

A conversation intelligence software is a specialized tool designed to help businesses analyze large volumes of spoken and written data from customer-agent conversations using artificial intelligence. The objective is to generate actionable insights that drive business decisions. By employing machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques, conversation intelligence software identifies significant keywords and topics within interactions, offering valuable insights into both customer and employee experiences. Extracted data from call and chat transcripts provide valuable insights into customer preferences and areas requiring improvement

What are the key features of Modjo?


Modjo is a peculiar conversation intelligence software as its main value added is how it facilitates the onboarding of new employees. Here are the main features of the tool:

  • Transcription and recording: Modjo transcribes your meetings in real time and records them, allowing you to rewatch them anytime
  • AI Notes: Modjo uses AI to summarize your notes in key takeaways for it to be more understandable 
  • CRM Sync: Modjo integrates with your CRM and automatically records key information
  • Facilitated training: Modjo allows you to set up best practices videos to facilitate training of new employees. AI Analysis and human feedback can be used to assess the performance of any interaction
  • Topic tracking: Modjo tracks the topics mentioned in conversations to give you visibility on your team’s activity

How much does it cost?

I can’t really answer this question as Modjo’s price depends on your team’s size and needs. Modjo doesn’t offer any regular plans or free trial but you can book a demo to assess the capabilities of the tool yourself! Or you can look at alternatives…  Okay, then let’s find out what are the 5 best alternatives to Modjo!

The best alternative: Claap

Claap is quite different from Modjo in terms of features. But it’s a really relevant conversation intelligence tool, with a fantastic price-quality ratio. Let’s discover why:

Claap’s key benefits

  • The best transcription and recording tool: I’m not saying that without proof. Claap records and transcribes meetings in 100+ languages but also has the best transcription accuracy!
  • AI capabilities: Claap comes with AI features that produce smart summaries and highlight key points of your meetings
  • Video library: Claap facilitates the effective organization of previous meetings through its video library feature. This functionality enables users to search for specific meetings based on keywords uttered during the discussion.
  • Collaboration features: Your teammates and even external people can watch the videos you share and react, ask questions on them…  You can totally set up an automated training system similar to Modjo’s by uploading best practices videos and giving feedback to the calls (recorded) of the new employees!

Claap’s limitations

  • Limited analysis capabilities: Claap doesn’t come with advanced analysis features like sentiment analysis. The price reflects on that though.
  • Compatibility: Claap’s desktop app is currently only available on Mac. Windows is on the way.

Claap’s pricing

  • Basic: Free with an upload limit of 10 videos.
  • Starter: $10/month per user with unlimited videos upload/storage.
  • Pro: $30/month per user with access to AI features.
  • Enterprise: Custom

As you can see, the price of the tool is significantly lower than Modjo’s, while the range of features is basically the same. That’s why I think Claap is the best alternative to Modjo, if not a better tool. And there even is a 14-day test version so you can realize it for yourself!

Gong, the best revenue intelligence alternative


Gong is a great alternative to Modjo. It’s an advanced tool that analyzes deeply your meetings to extract the business value.


  • Transcription and recording
  • Advanced analytics: Gong uses advanced analytics to gather useful information contained in your calls, emails and other sources and transform it into actionable items!
  • Real-time conversation intelligence: Gong is a real-time conversation intelligence software. Using sentiment analysis for instance, it analyzes your interlocutor’s tone or feelings in real-time to help you in determining the posture to adopt. Once you've tried it, you won't be able to do without it
  • External analysis: Gong provides a comprehensive analysis by using external analysis, notably integrating market data


  • Transcription issues: Gong has been noted to experience transcription issues, including slow loading times and occasional inaccuracies. If transcription accuracy is crucial for you, you’d rather have another option like Claap.
  • High price: Gong is an expensive tool and might not correspond to your financial capabilities


Gong’s prices are on demand and depend on your specific needs. On average, a company using Gong pays $1,600 per user per year (for a company with less than 50 employees), making it an expensive tool.

Jiminny: the best for sales team coaching

If you’re more interested in the coaching/training capabilities of Modjo, Jiminny might be a good alternative. Here’s why:


  • Transcription and recording
  • Conversation analysis: Just like Gong, Jiminny comes with a large set of conversation intelligence features, notably sentiment analysis and intent analysis to help you get the most out of your interactions
  • Topic tracking: Jiminny tracks the topics mentioned in conversations to help you identify pain points
  • Call scoring: Jiminny features a call scoring system that evaluates the performance quality of sales representatives, enabling your sales team to enhance their skills and close more deals effectively. Leveraging this system is an ideal method for efficiently onboarding new members to your sales team!


  • Crashing Problems: Certain users have encountered recurrent errors and crashes while utilizing Jiminny, which can be highly inconvenient, especially if they occur during crucial meetings.
  • Transcription Inaccuracy: Jiminny's transcription is sometimes  inaccurate, notably for transcribing and identifying speakers during calls. Difficulties with certain words and names have also been reported.


Jiminny no longer offers standardized plans. The price is set according to the size and needs of your team. According to certain sources, it seems that you can expect to pay around $85/user/month, which positions the tool as quite expensive, but nowhere near other options like Gong. 

Hubspot Sales Hub: the best option for Hubspot CRM users


If you're already using HubSpot CRM, adding HubSpot Sales Hub can be a great move. It fits right in, so you have everything in one place. This makes it easier for your team to work together and keep track of customer relationships. Plus, it helps your sales team work better and get more done.


  • Transcription and recording
  • Advanced analytics: Just like Gong, Hubspot Sales Hub is equipped with advanced analytics features such as conversation analysis and sentiment analysis. You’re sure not to miss anything!
  • Integration with Hubspot CRM: HubSpot Sales Hub seamlessly integrates with HubSpot CRM, leveraging its database and additional features like deal creation and company management. This cohesive integration ensures a smooth experience, utilizing the full spectrum of HubSpot CRM functionalities.


  • High price: Hubspot is an expensive option. But if you use Hubspot CRM, the time saved could be worth the price.
  • No auto-save feature: HubSpot Sales Hub lacks an auto-save feature, so it's essential to remember to save your work manually before closing the tool to avoid any loss of data.


  • Professional plan: $450/month, with 5 users included (additional $90/month for every additional user), for transcription features but not conversation intelligence
  • Enterprise plan: $1500/month, with 10 users included (additional $150/month for every additional user), with every feature presented earlier (conversation intelligence, other sales tools…)

Fathom: the best free option

If you’re particularly price-sensitive, you might be interested in a free option. That’s why I want to introduce you to Fathom.


  • Transcription and recording
  • Pre-made summaries: Fathom processes the notes taken and creates formatted meeting notes ready for sending. You just have to click on “Send”!
  • Basic AI features: Fathom comes with basic AI features that are quite good for a free tool. For instance, you can highlight sections for Fathom to summarize and incorporate them into your notes! 


  • No meeting recording option: Fathom's free plan doesn't include the option to record meetings.
  • Absence of video library: Fathom lacks a feature to manage past meetings through a recording library.
  • Limited language support: Fathom only supports English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, and Portuguese. If you require another language, consider using a more comprehensive tool like Claap.


  • Free: Regular version with all the features mentioned above.
  • Team Plan: $19/user/month with additional features such as video library.


Clearly, there are several alternatives to Modjo out there, but many of them come with a steep price tag. For the best bang for your buck, Claap is the way to go. Honestly, even if you can afford other options, I highly recommend giving Claap a shot. You wouldn't believe how it can revolutionize your workflow. So, why not give it a test run yourself? (Free plan available with no credit card required)?

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