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5 Go-To-Market (GTM) enablement best practices

Victoire Leveilley
May 6, 2024
Remote Works

In the B2B tech world, mastering the art of GTM (Go-To-Market) strategies isn't just a box to check. It has become absolutely necessary with the transformation of B2B marketing and sales over the past decade, due to growth of digital and customer empowerment.

What is surprising is that many marketing teams have not yet found ways to improve their processes and technology to meet the new demands.

In this article, I'll tell you more about gtm enablement and give you some essential best practices to elevate your B2B marketing game.

What is GTM enablement?

GTM Enablement (GTM stands for Go-To-Market) ensures that businesses have a cohesive and efficient approach to launch and promote their offerings.

More precisely, GTM enablement refers to the process of equipping organizations with the tools, resources, and strategies necessary to effectively bring products or services to market. GTM enablement encompasses all processes from market analysis and product positioning to sales enablement and customer engagement.

Why use GTM enablement?

In today's predominantly digital sales environment, B2B marketing teams are faced with an unprecedented number of requests to create and deliver personalized content. Customers now expect sales reps to interact with them in a super personalized way.

Imagine you’re a promising SaaS startup gearing up to launch your latest product. You need to meticulously plan your approach, aligning all your team members behind a shared vision. This is why you need GTM enablement.

From marketing crafting compelling messaging to sales pitching with confidence, and customer success providing top-notch support, every interaction will then feel seamless and personal. As a result, you won’t be just launching a product; you will really foster genuine connections with your customers, driving loyalty and fueling their journey towards success.

How to facilitate GTM enablement?

Here are key steps to facilitate GTM Enablement:

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Foster collaboration and communication between marketing, sales, product development, and customer support teams. This step is key to ensure alignment and coherence across the GTM strategy. To do so, make sure to align all your teams using the right collaboration tools. Claap will soon become your best ally.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Leverage data analytics to gain valuable insights into market trends, customer behavior, and competitor strategies. This data-driven approach enables informed decision-making throughout the GTM process.
  • Technology Integration: Implement tools and platforms such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, conversation intelligence and revenue intelligence softwares, marketing automation software, and analytics platforms to streamline GTM processes and improve efficiency.
  • Continuous Optimization: Adopt an iterative approach to GTM Enablement, constantly monitoring and optimizing strategies based on feedback, market dynamics, and performance metrics.
  • Training and Development: Invest in training programs to ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge required to execute GTM strategies effectively. This includes providing sales teams with product training, equipping marketers with the latest tools and techniques, and fostering a culture of continuous learning.

5 best practices for GTM enablement

  1. Do your homework: research your customers
  2. Choose the right collaboration tools: Claap will be your best ally
  3. Craft audience-centric content
  4. Reinforce messages through strategic cross-promotion
  5. Train your team

1. Do your homework: research your customers

Rather than relying on broad assumptions, you should delve into the specifics. What pain points do your customers are facing? Which features resonate most, and why?

Understanding your clients at a granular level is paramount for crafting targeted and effective GTM strategies. Client data serves as the foundation upon which you can build personalized experiences, anticipate needs, and tailor your offerings to resonate with each segment's preferences and pain points. 

The knowledge you’ll gather fuels your targeted GTM strategies, positioning you as a strategic asset in planning.

Concrete tips to effectively research your clients

  1. Aggregate Data Sources: Gather data from various sources, including your CRM systems, marketing analytics platforms, customer surveys, and feedback channels. By consolidating data from multiple touchpoints, you gain a comprehensive view of your clients' interactions and engagements with your brand.
  2. Segmentation Analysis: Segment your client base based on relevant criteria such as industry, company size, geographic location, purchasing behavior, and demographics. Analyze each segment's unique characteristics, preferences, and pain points to tailor your GTM strategies accordingly.
  3. Behavioral Analysis: Dive deep into client behavior data to uncover patterns, trends, and insights. Analyze their interactions with your website, engagement with marketing campaigns, purchase history, and support interactions to identify opportunities for optimization and personalization.
  4. Feedback Incorporation: Integrate client feedback and sentiment analysis into your data analysis process. Pay attention to both qualitative (surveys, messages, comments, customer feedback) and quantitative (social media figures, email rates) feedback channels to gain insights into client satisfaction levels and areas for improvement.

2. Choose the right collaboration tools: Claap will be your best ally

Just as a skilled craftsman selects the finest tools for their trade, your team needs the best collaboration tools. Traditional email blasts fall short in today's dynamic landscape. Embrace communication tools linked to HR databases for precise targeting based on roles, segments, and regions. These platforms provide invaluable engagement insights, empowering data-driven refinement of GTM strategies.

Go-to-market strategies require platforms that foster seamless communication, streamline workflow management, and empower data-driven decision-making.

Platforms such as Miro serve as virtual canvases, facilitating brainstorming sessions and fostering creativity with ease.

While Slack ensures seamless instant communication and Trello efficiently manages tasks, Claap's innovative video wiki elevates collaborative efforts to new heights. Notion makes sure that everyone is on the same page with its collaborative workspace.

Claap will be your best ally for GTM enablement

Claap is an all-in-one video platform supercharging your sales meetings, featuring:

  1. Meeting recordings with audio and video transcriptions;
  2. AI-generated notes and summaries according to a desired template;
  3. All-in-one video platform;
  4. Turn customer calls into insights;
  5. Screen and webcam recording.

Here's why Claap stands out as your ultimate ally:

  • Claap seamlessly integrates with all your applications: Claap integrates with popular CRM systems like Salesforce, marketing automation platforms like HubSpot, video meeting platforms like Google Meet or Zoom and many other softwares. It ensures smooth data flow between your GTM processes, allowing for real-time insights and informed decision-making.
  • Centralized Communication: Say goodbye to scattered conversations across multiple platforms. With Claap, all communication is centralized within dedicated project channels, keeping discussions organized, searchable, and accessible to relevant team members.
  • Claap helps you personalize your sales interactions: With Claap, you can transform your follow-up game by delivering personalized video messages tailored to each prospect. Gone are the days of generic, impersonal emails – Claap empowers you to create captivating videos for your emails.
  • Claap provides you with valuable customer insights: Leverage Claap's AI-driven meeting summaries to capture key insights from client meetings. These summaries offer a snapshot view, pinpointing ideal client matches with precision.

3. Craft audience-centric content

Effective communication hinges on speaking directly to your audience's needs. Dive deep into understanding your audience, then collaborate closely with subject matter experts.

Instead of regurgitating content, draft afresh, weaving in audience-specific insights. For executive communications, tailor your messages.

Concrete tips to effectively craft audience-centric content

  • Use video messaging to stand out from competitors: With Claap's intuitive all-in-one video platform, crafting personalized video messages has never been easier. It allows you to connect with prospects in a meaningful way and drive conversions with confidence. Adding videos to your emails is a great way to increase your response and conversion rates.
  • Create buyer personas: Develop detailed buyer personas representing your ideal audience segments. Include information such as demographics, job roles, challenges, goals, and preferred communication channels.
  • Use audience language and tone: Speak your audience's language by using terminology, phrases, and tone that resonate with them. Avoid jargon or technical language that may confuse your audience.
  • Tell compelling stories: Humanize your brand and connect with your audience on an emotional level by telling compelling stories.

The main thing to remember is that you need to tailor content delivery to suit each audience because a personalized approach really ensures maximum engagement and resonance.

4. Reinforce your key messages through strategic cross-promotion

Cross-promotion in the context of GTM enablement is about strategically linking related content or messages across different channels to amplify their impact and ensure broader reach and engagement.

If your team releases a new product feature through an email announcement, you can reinforce this message by featuring the same update in different communication channels. You can communicate this update with a blog post on your company's website or share it on social media platforms.

By consistently reinforcing the same message across multiple touchpoints, you increase the likelihood of it being noticed and absorbed by your audience. Here are some concrete examples of how to implement this strategy

Concrete tips to implement strategic cross-promotion

  1. Email Follow-Ups: After sending out a product update email, follow up with a series of targeted emails highlighting different aspects of the update, such as its benefits, use cases, demo videos and customer testimonials.
  2. Social media promotion: Share snippets of your product update or feature announcement on various social media platforms, along with engaging visuals or short videos to capture attention and encourage interaction.
  3. Webinars or live demos: Host webinars or live demos to showcase the new product features in action, allowing customers to ask questions and engage directly with your team in real-time.

Claap plays a crucial role in cross-promotion by providing a centralized platform for creating, storing, and sharing video content.

With Claap, you can record product demonstrations, customer testimonials, or team updates and seamlessly distribute them across multiple channels, including email, social media, and your company website.

5. Train your team

A well-trained team is the backbone of successful GTM strategies. Training equips your team members with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to execute their roles effectively. They’ll better adapt to evolving market dynamics, and deliver value to clients.

By investing in training, you empower your team to stay ahead of the curve, innovate, and drive growth in alignment with your GTM objectives.

Concrete tips to train your teams effectively for GTM enablement

  1. Identify training needs: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your team's skills, knowledge gaps, and areas for improvement, aligned with your GTM goals and objectives.
  2. Design customized training programs: Leverage a mix of formats, including in-person workshops, online courses, peer-to-peer mentoring, and hands-on simulations, to accommodate diverse learning styles and preferences.
  3. Focus on core competencies: Focus your sales coaching efforts and training on core competencies relevant to GTM success (market analysis, customer segmentation, product knowledge, sales call techniques, and communication skills)
  4. Encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration: Foster a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration within your team. Encourage team members to share insights, best practices, and lessons learned from training experiences. You can speed up team collaboration with tools like Claap. 


Mastering GTM enablement is essential for driving growth and staying competitive. With the right tools and strategies, you can empower your team to succeed in the dynamic business landscape.

Experience the difference with Claap—try our 14-day free trial today and unlock your path to GTM excellence.

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