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Gong Salesforce Integration

Max Gayler
April 29, 2024

What is Gong Salesforce Integration?

Gong Salesforce Integration is a powerful tool that connects Gong's conversational intelligence capabilities with Salesforce, the leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform. This integration allows users to capture and analyze customer interactions to gain actionable insights directly within Salesforce. By automating data capture and enhancing data visibility, the Gong Salesforce Integration helps sales teams improve their customer engagements and increase sales efficiency.

What are the Benefits of Gong Salesforce Integration?

  • Bidirectional Data Sync: Import Salesforce data to Gong to filter and associate CRM data with specific activities, and export Gong call insights back into Salesforce to enrich CRM records with detailed analytics.
  • Enhanced Search and Filtering: Utilize Salesforce fields within Gong for advanced filtering of calls and contextual search capabilities, improving data accessibility and relevance.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Generate detailed reports within Salesforce using Gong data to evaluate sales performance, track engagement metrics, and identify effective coaching techniques.
  • Secure API Integration: Set up through OAuth, allowing Salesforce admins to securely integrate Salesforce with Gong, supporting both read-only and read-write data exchanges.

Can I access the Gong Salesforce Integration through the API?

Yes! You can find Gong’s full guide on this here.

How Do I Use Gong Salesforce Integration?

To maximize the benefits of Gong Salesforce Integration, follow these essential steps:

Step 1: Set Up the Integration

Begin by setting up the integration in Gong. Navigate to the integrations page, select Salesforce, and follow the setup wizard. This process typically involves entering your Salesforce credentials and configuring settings to align with your specific business processes.

Step 2: Customize Data Syncing

Customize how data is synced between Gong and Salesforce. Decide which types of interactions, such as calls, emails, or meetings, should be recorded and analyze in Salesforce. Set up rules for data entry to ensure that only relevant and valuable data is captured.

Step 3: Train Your Team

Once the integration is active, conduct training sessions for your team. Ensure they understand how to access Gong insights within Salesforce and how to use these insights to drive better customer conversations and outcomes.

Why Isn’t My Gong Salesforce Integration Working?

If you face issues with your Gong Salesforce Integration, consider these troubleshooting steps:

  • Confirm that your Salesforce API limits have not been exceeded.
  • Check the integration settings in both Gong and Salesforce to ensure they are correctly aligned.
  • Review network permissions and security settings that might be blocking data exchange.
  • Contact Gong support for detailed diagnostics and assistance.

Does Gong’s Salesforce Integration Update User Data?

Yes, Gong’s Salesforce Integration does update user data automatically. It syncs conversation data and analytics back into Salesforce, updating records and dashboards with new insights. This ensures that sales teams always have access to the most current data directly within their CRM system.

Looking for a Gong Alternative?

Try Claap for 14 days totally FREE (no credit card required).

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